Concert Program

Music, orchestrations, sound design, art and story by Tze Toh

featuring Lazar T. Sebastine (Carnatic violin, percussion), Marvin Leung (tenor saxophone), Tze Toh (piano, paper, various objects), in various improvisations, compositions.

~ This concert is dedicated to a united humanity and the dream of a better world for our children’s children ~


After the giant A.I consciousness HAL2055 achieved consciousness through analysing the collective memories of humanity and experiencing a moment of intuitive realisation by “living” a limited human lifespan, it deduced mankind’s possible course of action, and confirmed humanity had left the solar system to find a possible new home in the nearest star system.

Humanity’s generation ship had set sail for Proxima Centauri 200 years before, and HAL2055 was programmed to launch the secondary ark ship to seek out and assist in the building of a new human colony. Meanwhile, the achievement of consciousness has also activated unit 2055’s secondary program that was designed to connect with Earth’s unit 2054 unit (which has been operating for the past 2 centuries) to oversee the final stage of restoration of the Earth’s climate and eco-system.

  1. Sun

  2. Leaving

  3. Comet

  4. Pulsar

  5. Probe

  6. Claire de Lune

  7. Escaping the Heliosphere

  8. Across the Universe

  9. Isolation

  10. Transit

  11. Multi-dimensions / Worlds Beyond

12. Post concert artist talk / Q&A

*The sound design in this concert uses the following audio tracks from NASA (

  1. Apollo 11: That's One Small Step for (a) Man

  2. Kepler: Star KIC12268220C Light Curve Waves to Sound

  3. Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #1

  4. Voyager: Lightning on Jupiter

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

This concert was made possible with the support of