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Music Sharing Session | LAND with NO SUN II : Dance of the Earth

  • 草根书室 25 Bukit Pasoh Road Singapore Singapore (map)

【无太阳地带2:大地之舞】音乐分享会 / LAND with NO SUN II : Dance of the Earth Music Sharing session

presented by 草根书室Grassroots Book Room and TO ensemble

*以华语进行,英语翻译In Mandarin with English translation

*入场免费,座位有限 Free Admission, Limited Seats

途乐团 (TO ensemble)音乐总监杜致庆将分享音乐会《无太阳地带2:大地之舞》的创作过程。途乐团的音乐结合电影交响乐、爵士乐与亚洲传统乐,形成独特的风格。作为钢琴演奏家与作曲家,致庆将叙述他如何从大自然元素得到启发与灵感,并与团员表演音乐片段,让大家先听为快。

Composer pianist Tze Toh of contemporary fusion music group TO ensemble shares about the creative process behind the music for their upcoming concert LAND with NO SUN II : Dance of the Earth. A fusion of film score, jazz and Asian sounds, the ensemble's music has been described as "sophisticated and accessible" by The Business Times.

He will discuss how the environmental issues facing the world today and elements of nature have inspired the melodies and sounds he composed for the concert. He and fellow musicians from TO ensemble will perform excerpts of music from the concert.